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《冰刀双人组》Blades of Glory——第一个男双花样滑冰

The movie"Blades of Glory"is hilarious. Most figure skaters and ice skating fans will enjoy seeing the world of figure skating made fun of and will laugh and be happy after seeing this movie.


The movie takes a satirical look at the world of competitive figure skating. Even the music used in figure skating is made fun of.The silly things that children enjoy about ice shows are shown.The costumes used in this movie are also funny.


The story is about two single male figure skaters and rivals, Chazz Michael Michaels(Will Ferrell)and Jimmy MacElroy(Jon Heder),who become pair skating partners after they are banned from competing in single men's figure skating competitions for life. They are banned after they get in a horrible fight, right on the podium, when they have to share World Winter Sport Games gold medals after they tie.Three and a half years later, they team up together as a pair after they find out that they are not banned from competing in pair skating.They become a really good pair team and they work hard to win a gold medal in the World Winter Sport Games.


For some, the movie may not be that special, but it is a very funny film that will entertain. It is the kind of movie that some people might like to see again and again.It will make most viewers smile.


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