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Business attire refers to the clothing that employees wear to work. Depending on the workplace, various levels of business attire and norm are expected. The dress codes range from traditional and formal to smart casual, business casual, and casual.


Employees who want to fit well in their workplace, wear the standard clothing that is expected, and often dictated by a written dress code. But new employees don't need an official dress code to understand what constitutes appropriate business attire in their workplace. Just look at what the boss wears and observe what other successful employees wear to work.


New employees had better ask what employees are expected to wear to work when they receive their job offer. Start out a new job by dressing just a little bit formal is the norm to make a good first impression. First impressions are significant and employees always want to be memorable for its positive predictive message.


It is so simple to modify that career success and advancement should be more important than expressing individual, quirky personality at work. Business attire is important because it sends messages about everything to customers, clients, bosses, company executives, and coworkers. People do judge others by their appearance.


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