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A: Did you hear about what happened to Howard?

A: 你听说霍华德发生什么事了吗?

B: No, what?

B: 没有, 什么事?

A: Someone stole his car!

A: 有人偷了他的车。

B: Really? When did it happen?

B: 真的? 什么时候偷的?

A: Last night. He left it parked in front of his girl friend s house and when he came out to go home, it was gone.

A: 昨晚。他把车停在他女朋友的房子前面, 当他出来准备回家的时候, 车不见了。

B: Wow! That s really tough. He just bought it last month, didn t he?

B: 哇! 真没想到。上个月他才买的车, 不是吗?

A: Uhhuh. Fortunately, he s got insurance and the police think they already have a good lead.

A: 嗯,唬。幸运的是, 他得到保险了, 警察已经有线索了。

B: Well, I certainly wish him luck.

B: 好,我也祝他好运。

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