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A: (On the phone) Hello. This is Hilton.

A: (通电话中)喂,我是希尔顿。

B: Oh, Mr. Hilton. This is Maria Green. I m a friend of Richard Blake.

B: 哦,希尔顿先生,我是玛丽亚·格林。我是理查德·布莱克的一个朋友。

A: Oh, yes?

A: 哦,有什么事吗?

B: Richard told me that you want to buy 2,000 women s blouses, and I havesome good ones. He suggested that I give you a ring.

B: 理查德告诉我您要买2000件女式衬衫,我正好有一批很好的货。他建议我给您打个电话。

A: Good! Do you have samples now?

A: 太好了。你现在有样品吗?

B: Yes, we have four colors.

B: 是的,有4种颜色。

A: I want to have a look. Why don t you come round and see me? Do you know where my office is?

A: 我想看一下。你可以过来找我吗?你知道我的办公室在哪里吗?

B: Yes. I ve got the address.

B: 是的,我有地址。

A: Good. Where are you now?

A: 太好了,你现在在哪里?

B: I m at the post office.

B: 我在邮局。

A: Oh, well, that s just a few minutes walk from my office. Come round and see me now.

A: 哦,那里离我办公室走路就几分钟。你现在过来找我吧。

B: Thank you very much, Mr. Hilton.

B: 非常感谢您,希尔顿先生。

A: Not at all.

A: 不客气。

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