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A:Hello!How was your exam yesterday?你好!你昨天考得怎么样?

B:Not too good. It wasn't as easy as the last one, and it was longer than before.不太好。这次考试不像上一次那么简单,考的时间也比以前长。

A:Well, the final exam is always more difficult. You have to work harder.You will certainly do better next time.期末考试总是比较难。你得更加努力。下次一定会考好的。

B:I worked very hard, but I was too careless. I made some stupid mistakes.Ishould be more careful next time.我学习很努力了。就是太粗心,犯了一些愚蠢的错误。下次我得更细心一些。

A:Maybe you took too many courses that were too demanding.可能你今年选的课太多了。

B:No, I took as many courses as last year.没有啊,和去年选得一样多。

A:Maybe the courses were too demanding.那可能是这些课程都要求甚高。

B:Yeah. They were quite a lot of work.是呀,这些课真是需要下功夫学。

A:Well, it's no use worrying about the exam now. And there is no need to overdo in the next semester.哎,现在担心考试也没用了。下学期可没必要选这么多课了。

B:You're right.你说得对。

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