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Trying to do the“right”thing by drinking eight full glasses of water a day may do little more than make a person run to the bathroom, a researcher said.

Newspaper articles, health and beauty magazines all advise drinking at least 8 full glasses of water totaling 64 ounces for optimal health—an approach called“8×8”by proponents.But Dr.Heinz Valtin of Dartmouth Medical School in New Hampshire said there is no scientific evidence to back up this advice, which has helped create a huge market for bottled water.“After 10 months of careful searching I have found no scientific evidence that supports ‘8 × 8', ”Valtin, a kidney specialist, who has written textbooks on the subject of human water balance, said in a telephone interview.

Writing in the American Journal of Physiology, Valtin said people forget that the food they eat also contains some water.“I did 43 years of research on that system—the osmoregulatory system.That system is so precise and so fast that I find it impossible to believe that evolution left us with a chronic water deficit, ”Valtin said.If a person gets low on fluid, the body compensates by bringing fluid back out of the kidneys and by slowing the loss of water through the skin, Valtin said.Thirst kicks in long before dehydration starts, he added.





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