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Almost everybody who lives in the urban areas ofChina is familiar with the phenomenon shown in this picture.The gate of a school is blocked by dozens of cars that belong to the loving parents who send children there. A teacher, who rides bicycle to school, finds difficulty in entering the gate because the cars leave no space for him.

This picture sharply points out two serious problems existing in today's educational circle.The first one is parents'blind pampering of children. Though it is a universal truth that parents always desire to grant kids with the best stuff available, we should bear in mind that convenient facilities bring temporary comfort but perhaps life-long laziness. The second issue addressed is the depressing social status that teachers enjoy. Despite the fact that teachers take charge of such an honored mission of enlightening humans, they are usually looked down upon and receive small salaries. It is a big contrast compared with their wealthy students.

These attitudes of indulging children and disrespect towards teachers should arouse more opposing voices. On the one hand, the society demands a generation that fully comprehends how to lead a self-sustaining life. On the other hand, for teachers' priceless contribution, they should be rewarded by due attention and more benefits.





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