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When industries grow,pollution also grows. Today the problem of environment has become more and more serious. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources too quickly and at the same time we are polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. IfMan has made great progress in environment protection. Government of many countries has passed laws to protect the forest and sea resource and to stop the environmental pollution.

Even though,more measures should be taken to solve the problem. First,we should start by educating the public about the harm of pollution. The government should also design stricter laws. This is not only for our own generation but also for the future generation to come.

It is necessary to protect our nature environment. We must begin now to protect our only world,our common home.


First impressions are always very important! Especially when you are new to a school with kids 3 or 4 years younger than you. Well,during the summer vacation,I attended a voluntary program by going to an elementary school with kids in the 6th grade. I think it was a little strange but it was really fun! At first I didn’t know what to tell the kids but after the first 10 minutes of class I felt much better about them all!

On the first day I was there,there was a boy whose name is Zhang Can and he was in this program for kids who were really bad and misbehaved,and the teacher asked me to work with him. At first he was shy and did everything I told him to,but then he started to ask me questions about myself and was getting distracted so I told him that he had to focus and he did! I think that the teacher saw that Zhang Can was reacting in a very good way with me because he was doing his work,so she told me to work with him every day from the first day on. A few days later when I got there all the kids welcomed me warmly and it made me feelthe school,I felt grown up!

32 Traditional culture will not be lost


It seems we are living in the conflict between modern and traditional culture every day. Will traditional culture gradually be lost? Many people believe so. They argue that people today prefer pop music to traditionalmusicandenjoywearing fashionable clothes rather than traditional ones. They also say that people today like freedom and don‘t want to be controlled byHowever,I don’t agree with this type of idea. In my opinion,Chinese traditional culture contains some good things that should be treasured by people,including modesty,politeness,kindness and so on. For example,people will admire those with good manners,those who are polite to others or respectful toward old people. In any case,Chinese traditional music,foods and some other traditional products are still very popular around the world.

Therefore, I think that though our lifestyle and our attitudes towards life havechanged a lot,many people still treasureChinese traditional culture in their hearts.


I‘m not a smart girl,and my grades in school were poor,so I was unhappy. But one day my mother told me seriously, “Happiness is for everyone. You don’t need to care about those people who have good grades. You should know that Einstein was said to be a rather slow learnerin his childhood,but he became a great scientist. I want to tell you,my dear,thatyou can be anyone you want to be.”When Iheard those words,I decided to give it a try. I understood that if I wanted to succeed,I must study hard.

Then she continued,“You often say you are unhappy, but you know what? Happiness will follow you if you do your best in your work.”I didn‘t understand, and asked why. She said,“You know,if you try your best,parents won’t blame you for not working hard; when you are in trouble at school,your classmates and teachers will help you; when you improve,your friends will say,‘You are wonderful!’All of these will make you happy. I‘m sureher. Her words led me down the road ofsuccess and happiness.

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