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Questions 3-4
3. Which two of the arguments in the box below support the theory that bipedalism was caused by forests giving way to grasslands?
4. Which three of the arguments in the box below support the theory that ramidus lived in forests?

A.Fossilised tree weeds found to be mixed with the hominid fossils.
B.Traces of other animals such as bats and squirrels were found together with ramidus fossils.
C.Standing on two legs, the apes could see further and notice dangers at an earlier time.
D. Fossils of prehistoric horses and giraffes were not found together with
ramidus fossils.
E. Apes that could be use the upper limbs to hold food and children while walking
had a better chance to survive.

第3, 4题:这样的题目有别于传统的多项选择题。早期的时候,这样的题目不做选项数目的规定。从命题行文上很难判断是应该选一个还是几个:Which of the argument(s) in the box below support(s)the theory that bipedalism was caused by forests giving way to grasslands?也就是说,根据指令,这个题有可能只有一个正确答案,也有可能是两个或以上。现在,这样的题目都明确说please choose one或please choose two.

第3题:答案是C和E。在答题纸上写“C, E”或“E, C”都视为正确。但这两个字母中只写了一个,或写了两个字母但其中之一不正确,这道题不得分。

第4题:答案是A, B, D。在答题纸上,只要是这三个字母,无论顺序如何,都得分。但如果只写了一个或两个字母,此题不得分。如果写了三个字母,但其中的一个或两个是错误的,此题也不得分。资料整理:广州环球雅思

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