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一些初识雅思的学生在口语上遇到的较大障碍之一就是没话可说,每个问题的答案都只有寥寥几个词。比如:Are you working or studying-

I am working now. How do you spend your weekends- I spend my weekends reading and watching TV. Do you read a lot in your spare time- Yes, I read a lot in my spare time。





Part 1 Solution


☆ What do you usually do during holidays? And what you don't do during holidays?

Usually I will go out to visit some fun spots with my parents, or hang out with my friends, or play sports. Whatever I do, I try to relax myself.

Do you think holidays are important to our lives?

(Absolutely! Holidays are like … when we can get away from our daily grind and have some “time out”, you know… when we check out fun spots, hang out with friends and play sports without having to constantly worry about getting our work done. They are just so cool…)

☆ What‘re your favorite leisure activities?

Well, my leisure activity is reading electronic newspapers via internet. Through reading the news, I can get access to up-to- date information about my hometown. It has become an indispensable part of my daily life. Reading the electronic newspaper is also a good way to relax from work.

☆ What did you do on last weekend?

Last weekend, I went to UTS library to prepare for IELTS test with my friends. It was effective to practice spoken English with a partner so that he can pick up my grammar mistakes or pronunciation problem. We also had a big dinner in the evening in China town.

Do you like going to a party?

Basically, I am not a party animal. I prefer to stay at home rather than go out for socializing. I know somehow partying provides people with a good platform to socialize with those from different social and cultural background. But if the party is an important one, for example, my best friend birthday party or annual parties from work, I am happy to attend.

☆Do you like family parties or parties thrown by friends?

Well, I do like friend parties more than family parties. You know, there is a obvious generation gap between parents and children. Although we both care about other very much, sometimes I can only share my happiness and sorrows with my friends. That is because we have similar experience, and share similar interest. In friend parties, I can enjoy more freedom. I can talk what I want to and I do not have to be overcautious about what I behave.

(Absolutely! Holidays are like … when we can get away from our daily grind and have some “time out”, you know… when we check out fun spots, hang out with friends and play sports without having to constantly worry about getting our work done. They are just so cool…)

☆ What‘re your favorite leisure activities?

Well, my leisure activity is reading electronic newspapers via internet. Through reading the news, I can get access to up-to- date information about my hometown. It has become an indispensable part of my daily life. Reading the electronic newspaper is also a good way to relax from work.

☆ What did you do on last weekend?

Last weekend, I went to UTS library to prepare for IELTS test with my friends. It was effective to practice spoken English with a partner so that he can pick up my grammar mistakes or pronunciation problem. We also had a big dinner in the evening in China town.

Do you like going to a party?

Basically, I am not a party animal. I prefer to stay at home rather than go out for socializing. I know somehow partying provides people with a good platform to socialize with those from different social and cultural background. But if the party is an important one, for example, my best friend birthday party or annual parties from work, I am happy to attend.

☆Do you like family parties or parties thrown by friends?

Well, I do like friend parties more than family parties. You know, there is a obvious generation gap between parents and children. Although we both care about other very much, sometimes I can only share my happiness and sorrows with my friends. That is because we have similar experience, and share similar interest. In friend parties, I can enjoy more freedom. I can talk what I want to and I do not have to be overcautious about what I behave.

关于旅游☆Do you like traveling?

Yes I do. Travelling is always a nice thing for me. Travelling can enable me to release stress from study and work and temporarily get rid of some annoying daily routine. Every time I finished my journey, I was full of spirit and energy. Also, travelling is a good way to widen my mind and know more about other culture.

Where did you travel to in your latest trip?

My latest trip was to Beijing. I was quite fascinated about the places of historical interest in Beijing, like the Forbidden City, the summer palace and the Great Wall. Also the food in Beijing was quite tasty. Especially the roasted duck, it always makes my mouth watering.

How long was the longest trip you took?

My longest trip was to Beijing in last year. I stayed in Beijing for two weeks. Beijing is a special city. There are a lot of places of historical interests, such as the forbidden city, the summer palace, the great wall and so on.

What‘re the advantages of traveling by air?

☆ Do you think air travel is important to us?

(It sure is. It‘s convenient, comfortable and … fun. Some people are concerned about its safety but according to statistics air travel is actually safer than car rides.)

Which country do you plan to go to?

Well, I am quite looking forward to travelling the USA. You know, there are many amazing traveling spot in America, such as Disney theme park in los Angeles, luxurious [l?ɡ‘zju?ri?s] hotels and casinos in Las Vegas, and the famous Wall street in New York. As long as I find a stable job here, I will go to the US.


Travelling not only teaches you about other cultures, but it also teaches you more about yourself and your own culture. After all, only from the outside can you look back in.

Travelling has a lasting impact on world view, self confidence and maturity. This experience will be life-transforming.

You can immerse yourself in the local culture.


What sports do you play at school? / What do you do to improve your fitness?

I used to play football, badminton, table tennis when I was in high school in China. When I came here, I love swimming. The sports centre in the University of Sydney is quite good. It has an Olympic-standard swimming pool. I usually go swimming with my friends when class is over.

What‘re your favorite sports?

My favourite sport is badminton. It is a great sport for all-round fitness. Playing badminton not only gives a huge number of health benefits but also keeps me feeling well, strong and motivated. It can help in coping with anxiety and stress and offers a release from the pressures of everyday life.

☆ What sports did you play when you were a child?

I used to play football, badminton and table tennis when I was a child.

What were the differences between sports played by boys and sports played by girls?

Boys tend to more active than girls. They like playing extreme sports because those sports help them to build up their muscle.

Girls prefer to play more gentle sports like Yoga and aerobics dancing.

Are there any sports facilities on your campus?

(There are tons of them. Like stadiums, gyms, soccer fields, tennis courts and swimming pools.)

What kinds of facilities are there in your community?

(We‘ve got a wide variety of facilities, like parking lots ,you know, places where you park your car, gyms, clinics, gardens, kids’ playgrounds, convenience stores…)


Badminton is a totally inclusive sport and is open to all ages and all levels of ability.

Badminton is a very social sport and club nights and matches alike always include the opportunities to meet new people and catch up with old friends.

Badminton help people improve hand eyes coordination. It is a skillful and intelligent game.

Tactics and mental stamina ([‘st?min?] 持久力) will be developed during the games.












Have you ever… (been to a sport match)?

Did you do XXX when you were a child?

Which do you prefer, AAA or BBB?

Do you like…

Do you think that XXX should do YYY?

When did you do XXX?










考官迎接考生入场是考生要注意的小细节。在这个过程中,考生要十分注意礼貌,如果不注意这一点分数将会受到影响,另外一点是在神情和举止上要表现出十足的自信!要有不卑不亢的感觉!另外一个语言表达之外的注意点就是eye contact。眼神自然地交流说明了考生对于考试做好了充分的准备,对于那些口语考试碰到老外容易紧张的考生来说也可以通过眼神交流适当地调节心情,缓解情绪。另外,在眼神交流的同时向考官微笑也能够有助于提升考官对考生的印象。

雅思口语Part1的正式开始就是从考官的自我介绍开始的。考官会报上自己的姓名并且检查考生的身份证明。这个时候考官会告知考生考试过程将全程录音。因此考生之前对这个环节要有心理准备,不要突然紧张起来。接下来考官会询问考生的姓名以核对考生准考证上的信息,这个时候Part 1的问题还没有正式开始,所以考生在说自己姓名的时候语速要慢一些,口齿一定要清楚!

在询问完姓名、核对好考生基本信息之后,雅思口语Part1就正式开始了。这个时候雅思口语考试的常规问题就开始出现了。从雅思口语考试的规律来看,Part 1的所有问题按照话题类别归类大致有20~30个。


雅思口语Part1的题目在准备的时候是从思路上着手去准备,也就是说形成一套适合自己的答案模式和答题思路,而不是去照搬照抄雅思参考书上的答案然后背下来。(具体的Part 1的语言分析和思路总结将在第三章详细讨论。)



Do you think spare time is important to you? 休闲时间对你来说重要吗?


Yes, recreation is as necessary to us as study or work. We cannot work all day long without recreation. The mind and body require change to make us acute and vigorous. And recreation can relieve us of the fatigue from our study or work, and make us cheerful. For example, people who sit too much in their offices should take a kind of recreation that will supply their muscles with exercise.

首先这个考生直接回答考官的问题,然后说明原因。在说明原因的时候细节一定要丰富,比如“We cannot work all day long without recreation(我们不能整天工作而不去放松一下)”,“ The mind and body require change to make us acute and vigorous(身心都需要一些变化从而使我们保持敏锐和活力)”,“And recreation can relieve us of the fatigue from our study or work, and make us cheerful(休闲娱乐让我们从疲劳的工作和学习中解脱出来并且使我们感觉很兴奋)”。而且考生在后面还通过例子说明问题,“For example, people who sit too much in their offices should take a kind of recreation that will supply their muscles with exercise”。(比如说,对那些成天待在办公室工作的人来说应该做一些活动来放松他们的筋骨)”。

说得多、内容丰富是Part 1取胜的关键。

记得有一次和澳大利亚Monash大学的雅思口语考官Raymond聊天,谈起如何训练学生keep talking的能力,Raymond告诉我这样一个词组:“TALKING RUBBISH!”

这里的“Talking Rubbish”就是指围绕一个话题想说什么就说什么,只要不跑题就行。这个原则同样也适用于雅思口语考试Part 3的问题。一个考生,只要有足够的发散性思维,他就能做到“Talking Rubbish”,能做到“Talking Rubbish”的考生也就进入高分行列了。

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