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A: They say life could not go on if there were no plants.Do you agree?

A: 人们说,如果没有植物,生命是不能延续的。你同意这种观点吗?

B: Yes,I do.Plants are very important living things.This is because plants can make food from air,water and sunlight.Animals and Man can't.You know,animals get their food by eating plants and other animals.Man gets his food by eating plants and animals,too.

B: 是的,我同意。植物是非常重要的生物。这是因为植物能从空气、水和阳光中创造食物,而动物和人却不能。你知道,动物是通过吃植物和其他动物来获取营养的。人也是如此。

A: Exactly true.So animals and Man need plants in order to live,and this is why we find that there are so many plants around us.

A: 非常正确。所以,为了生存,动物和人需要植物,这就是为什么我们周围有如此多的植物的原因。

B: Well,if you look carefully at the plants around you,you will find that there are many types of plants.Some plants are large while others are small.Most plants are green.

B: 唔,如果你仔细观察一下你周围的植物,你会发现它们有许多种类。一些植物长得很大,而另一些却长得很小。大部分植物都是绿色的。

A: Oh yes.I think there are two main types of plants: the first type is flowering plants and the second is non flowering plants.

A: 噢,是这样。我想植物主要有两种:第一种是开花植物,第二种是非开花植物。

B: You're right.Almost all the trees around us are flowering plants.Flowering plants have roots,stems,leaves,flowers and fruits.So you can probably recognize some plants from their flowers or their fruits.

B: 你说得对。我们周围的几乎所有的树都是开花植物。开花植物都有根、茎、叶、花和果实。因此,也许你可以从植物的花朵和果实上来分辨它们。

A: Non flowering plants do not grow flowers.They include coniferous trees, mosses,algae and fungi.We can't see many non flowering plants around us.

A: 非开花植物不开花。它们包括针叶树、苔藓、地藻类和真菌。我们周围的非开花植物不是太多。

B: When you pull out a small flowering plant and look at it carefully,you'll see that one part of the plant is under the ground.This part is called the root system.The part of the plant that is above the ground is called the shoot system.

B: 当你拔出一颗小小的开花植物并仔细对它进行观察时,你会发现,植物的一部分长在地下。这部分叫做植物的根系。地面上的植物部分叫做茎枝系统。

A: Well,the shoot system is made up of a number of parts: the stem and its branches,leaves,flowers and fruits.

A: 唔,茎枝系统是由好几个部分构成的:茎和枝、叶子、花,还有果实。

B: Are you familiar with non flowering plants?

B: 你对非开花植物很熟悉吗?A:I know something about that.Most non flowering plants do not grow from seeds.They grow from spores.You know spores are very,very small.Some spores are so small and light that they can float in the air.We may say that spores are quite similar to seeds.When these spores fall on wet and shady places,they usually grow into new plants.

A: 我了解一些。多数非开花植物不是由种子生长出来的。它们是孢生的。你知道,孢子非常小。一些孢子太小,也太轻,能浮在空中。我们可以说,孢子和种子非常相似。当这些孢子落到潮湿阴凉的地方时,它们通常就成长为新的植物了。

B: However,coniferous trees are seed producing plants that have true roots and stems.Their leaves are usually needle like or scale like structures.

B: 不过,针叶树是结种子的植物,它们有真正的根和茎。它们的叶子通常像针或者鳞片一样。

A: And ferns also have roots,stems and leaves.Their stems grow just below the ground.

A: 还有,蕨类植物也有根、茎和叶子。它们的茎生在地下。

B: Well,mosses only have leaves and stems that are usually erect.They have no roots.They grow in wet,damp places,clinging to tree trunks,stones and walls.

B: 唔, 苔藓只有叶子和茎,这些叶子和茎通常都是直立的。苔藓没有根。它们生长在潮湿的地方,紧紧地缠住树干、石头和墙壁。

A: Algae are very simple green plants.Their body structure does not have roots,stems and leaves.They also grow on the sides of ponds and on tree trunks.

A: 藻类是一种非常简单的绿色植物。它们没有根、茎和叶子。它们也生长在水池旁和树干上。

B: Well,fungi are often not regarded as true plants because they are not green and can't make their own food.They get their food from other plants and animals.Mushrooms and molds are examples of fungi.

B: 唔,真菌通常不被看做是植物,因为它们不是绿色的,而且自己不能制造食物。它们从其他的植物和动物身上获取食物。例如蘑菇和霉菌。

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