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The Brain Gym program is based on the concept that learning challenges can be overcome by carrying out certain movements, the use of which will create pathways in the brain. The repetition of the 26 Brain Gym activities (each of which takes about a minute to do), is said to “activate the brain for optimal storage and retrieval of information.”

The Brain Gym website refers to more than a hundred pilot studies and anecdotal reports, done with people of all ages, that explore the effects of the activities in such areas as reading, writing, memory, self-reported anxiety, and computer-related eye-and-muscle strain, to name a few. Numerous books have been written describing anecdotal studies in which use of the Brain Gym activities has benefited specific populations.

The work’s founder, educator Paul Dennison, writing his early books on Brain Gym in the 80s and 90s, then hypothesized his explanations for the efficacy of the Brain Gym program. Modern scientific researchers are invited to confirm his empirical findings. The Brain Gym 26, used by people of all ages, have been incorporated into many educational, sports, and business programs in the United States, Canada, and throughout the world. They are also widely used in British state schools, including the Finchale Primary School.

Brain Gym International/the Educational Kinesiology Foundation is a non-profit educational organization, established in 1987 and based in Ventura, California. The names of the members of the board of directors are listed on the Brain Gym website. Brain Gym is a registered trademark of Brain Gym International.

The Brain Gym instructor program is open to anyone. To become qualified as a consultant there is a four-stage training program that consists of fourteen courses of between twenty-four and forty hours, in which students experience the use of intentional movement to improve sensorimotor skills and achieve personal goals. The trainee must also complete fifteen case studies and attend six private consultations with a qualified instructor.

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