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If you have opportunities to do volunteering, which of the following you would choose?

1. distributing meals for needy people

2. helping children build playground

3. working in hospital




Which of the following community volunteer work would you like to choose to do and why?

A. Cleaning up the park

B. Open up a new cycle way

C. Plant trees in the city

这类题目难度都不高,比如这次可以选第一项,分发食物,理由:分发食物给需要的人可以让更多的贫苦人民吃上一顿饱饭,是雪中送炭的行为。(Distributing meals is very helpful ,especially in cold winter days when a warm meal is very critical to the poor people)另外分发食物是相对比较容易的工作,对于体力和技术的要求比较低。(It is less demanding in energy and skill compared to the other two kinds of volunteer work)


The script of choosing the first option:

If we have much time to do such volunteer work, of course, all the three choices are meaningful to some extent. But when I only have limited time or just have the chance to do one thing, the dispensation of food will be my first choice. The main reason is that, in my perspective, we need to first meet people's basic need which is feeding. Only when we do not have concerns of getting us feeded, we could start to think of entertaining. If you ask a hungry child whether it needs a playground or a sausage, it will answer you with no doubt, I want the sausage. So helping those people who may have difficulty in finding food by themselves is the priority.

又是一题与义务工作相关的题目。 比较三个选项,义务服务的对象不一样,但实际选哪个也无太大差别。考试时应该最快速度选定一个选项后开始思考论点。如选择1. distributing meals for needy people, 理由可以是帮助到不同年龄段的贫困家庭,然后叙述自己的经验(编故事)在节日前给贫困家庭带去应节的食品和节日问候,让你感觉特别暖心。


Compared with the other two choices, I would rather work on distributing meals for people in need. This is because I can help with a wider range of people, from children to the elderly and I can see the beautiful smile wearing on their face the moment they receive the meal. For example, I got an experience working with a food distribution charity last year right before the Spring Festival. We went to people’s home and gave out free meals to them along with our festival greetings. When I saw thankful young children, the disabled and the elderly every time they opened their door, I was so much convinced that I was doing something really meaningful. And that’s the reason why I opt for the first one

词汇: a wider range of / food distribution / charity / festival greetings / convinced


I would choose the second volunteer work for the following reasons.

First, it would be fun for the nearby kids. I mean, those kids are very busy in school. They have to study at school for more than 8 hours every day, 5 days in a row, and sometimes during weekends they have to take extra courses, which makes them extremely exhausted. This playground would be a perfect place for them to have fun with all kinds of facilities.

Second, it can help them to make more friends. When they do sports like football or skateboarding, it’s very likely to meet someone who shares the same interest with them. Therefore, they would communicate with each other, share ideas, and exchange opinion between different people. It’s quite beneficial to practice their social skills.

That’s why…


Which volunteer job are you interested in?

Tutoring other students; Teaching adults to read; Providing the old with transportation.

Which one of the following volunteer work would you prefer doing? Tutoring children, driving senior citizens around or teaching adults to read?


Sample response:

As far as I’m concerned, I’m interested in tutoring other students due to the following reasons.

Firstly, I have the experience to teach other students English and Chinese. And I know how to communicate with them by using proper teaching methods. In addition, to be a teacher in the future is my dream job. So it will be a good opportunity for me to improve myself in tutoring skills. And I will accumulate more experience in teaching and getting along with children.


I would choose to drive senior citizens around for the following reasons. Firstly, senior citizens are the group of people that need our help the most. Take my grandfather for example, he’s 86 years old and he loves getting out of the house, he especially enjoys going to a café downtown where he meets with his friends regularly. But sometimes it can be really challenging for him, like last week it was snowing for like 3 days and it was icy on the ground outside, so he couldn’t go anywhere, he was so upset that he was stuck at home. But if there were volunteers to drive him to places he wants to go, he wouldn’t have had to suffer. Plus, it’s nice to spend some time with senior citizens. Some young people but find it dull to talk to the elderly, but I always enjoy chatting with them, my grandfather for instance can always bring interesting topics to the table and he always cracks me up.






If you have opportunities to do something for good causes, which of the following would you choose?

A.Distributing meals for needy people 给有需要的人分配食物

B.Helping children build playground帮助儿童建造玩乐的场所

C.Seeing people in hospital 去医院探望病人


套路一:必要性 The Need


Which of the following community service would you be more interested in doing and explain why? 以下哪个社区服务你最感兴趣,为什么?

Cleaningthe city park 清扫公园

Plantingflowers and trees 种植花草树木

Buildinga bicycle lane 建造自行车道



所以答题思路如下:Benefits of planting flowers and trees 种植花草树木的好处


Improve air quality/Reduce pollution


Prevent erosion


Social well-being: reduce pressure, violence



套路二:可行性(我,事情)The Feasibility


所以,还是种花草树木比较doable- 可行的


Comparing the three options, planting trees and flowers is certainly the most doable for me. I'll just need to dig a shallow hole, place the tree inside and then fill the planting hole with soil. That's about it.But say I am going to build the bicycle lane, how am I supposed to find all the tools and materials that I need? Not to mention how long the lane could be. Like Beijing, it's more than 2 hours'drive from north to the south. I couldn't just build 5 meters of bicycle lane, right?



….is the most doable for me

… 对我最为可行

That's about it.


Say I am going to…


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