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1. What is your favorite color?


I love vibrant colors, especially bright red. You know, clearly, red symbolizes good fortune and wealth in our culture, so Chinese normally dress in red during Lunar New Year. Moreover, the jacket in red really makes me look energetic.



vibrant adj.充满活力的 energetic adj. 精力充沛的,充满活力的;

2. Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?


Yes, my favorite colors are black and white and I love wearing clothes in neutral colors because it can reflect my personality. Actually, I’ve seen some of the fashion magazines telling that monochronic shirt is the future fashion trend.



neutral adj.中立的; (化学中)中性的 reflect v.反映,反射 monochronic adj.出现一次的

3. Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?


Sure, Chinese people actually are quite superstitious. They put different meaning on colors, for example, red, yellow and green are occasionally used for festivals in order to express their joyfulness and happiness. So, they normally combine these colors together to decorate their home and courtyard.



superstitious adj.迷信的; 有迷信观念的 occasionally adv.偶尔; 偶然; 有时候 decorate vt. 装饰; 点缀;

4. Do you think different types of people like different colors?


Sure, well, I think people in different personality will certainly affect their favorite color, what I mean is, if they are sportive, outgoing with positive thinking, they’ll choose something like warm colors, you know like, red, orange and yellow, which tend to make you think of sunlight and warmth.



certainly 当然 outgoing v.外向 positive thinking 思维活跃 tend to 倾向于


What’s your favorite color?


I love the color white because it’s so clean and pure. When I wear white, I feel very peaceful at heart. But I have to pay attention because it gets dirty so easily. I think a white Tee Shirt and blue jeans are the best combination.


I think black is very mysterious and sophisticated. For a girl, it looks very sexy. And when you wear black you look thinner, because the color is very slimming.


It’s the color of the sea and the sky. It’s also the color of jeans.

So I guess in a sense, it’s a young and free color.


Red is the hottest and most enthusiastic color you can ever imagine.

And it’s the color of China.


The color green reminds me of the nature and the environment.

It’s the color of Spring when all lives come back around us.

So wearing this color, I feel very close to nature.

Do you like the same color now as you did when you were younger?


Well, yeah.

I’m a kind of person that likes something and doesn’t change.

And I think the colors of black and white are the most classic.

I’m a simple guy, so I like simple colors.


I guess it changed. When I was young, I was childish, so I like bright colors, such as light yellow and shiny red. But now, I’m a 20 years old young man, I’m more mature, and so I like more understated colors, such as dark blue or deep green.

What can you learn about a person from the color they like?

I think you can tell about a person’s personality by his or her favorite colors.

For example, if a person loves the color red, he’s very out-going and not afraid to show his feelings and emotions. But if a person loves black, for instance, she maybe very reserved and mysterious. She may not want to share too much with others.

Do any colors have special meanings in your culture?

I think the colors of red and yellow represent our home country, China,

because they’re the main colors of the national flag.

The color red also means happy occasions, such as wedding.

I know that the color white means wedding in the west.

Yet, the it means death in China.

Surprising, huh?


1. What color do you like? Why?

I prefer red. In China, red is associated with life and good luck. A traditional Chinese bride wears something red on her wedding day, such as her wedding gown and handkerchief used to cover her head, in the hope that it will bring her and her bridegroom some luck in future.

If I had to describe my favorite color, I would choose yellow. Many artists are known to use yellow in their paintings. For example, Vincent van Gogh is famous for the yellow sunflowers in some of his paintings. Many countries have yellow in their national flags. For example, South Africa has a broad yellow band in their newly designed flag. This symbolizes the energy and warmth to be found in the nation.

Yellow is my favorite color. First of all, to me, yellow symbolizes the sun. What I mean to say is that it reminds me of energy and warmth. Secondly, yellow is a bright color as apposed to dull colors like brown and gray. For instance, brown and gray usually make me feel depressed. Lastly, I would like to mention that yellow is a practical color. That is to say, you can wear yellow with almost any color, and it does not get dirty too easily.

2. Do colors have some symbolic meaning in China?

Yes, colors certainly have a lot of meaning in China. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, it is significant that the national flag of China has a red background. Red is symbolic, for example, of avibrant life, which we believe are one of the dominant characteristics of the country and its people. It also signifies good luck, so a bride would wear some red on her wedding day. In addition, I think that yellow has a specific meaning to Chinese people. For example, we believe that it symbolizes the energy radiated by the sun, which in turn is the primary source of life. In addition, however, it also signifies the obscene, as apposed to blue in the most of the western cultures. For example, here a ‘blue movie’, would be called a ‘yellow movie’. Lastly, I think that white has a special meaning to us. To be more specific, in times of sadness and mourning, we use white to express our feelings, as apposed to black in most of the western cultures.

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