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  广州环球雅思资讯 在原因段的论述中,建议考生们在每列举一个原因后记得用示例或者因果对于列举的原因继续展开讨论。每个原因间用列举的连词隔开。比如:

  In my opinion, most people commit crimes because they want something they cannot have. Advertising intensifies the desire for luxury goods and celebrity lifestyles, and although it is necessary to promote sales and improve the economy, it can encourage feelings of greed and jealousy. In addition to this, young people especially are vulnerable to peer pressure. For instance, they may be influenced by their friends to start taking drugs or stealing cars for fun.


  Otherwise-good people are sometimes unlucky and put in situations where they feel crime is the only option. I think that the most common cases are needing money. This could be to fuel drug habits, support a family or nothing except pure greed. Bad upbringing is often argued as a cause. For example, if a child sees parents or other adults using violence, they may be more likely to think it is acceptable to use violence as an answer to problems.

  As I see it, the main reason aid money is ineffective is corruption. In developing countries, civil servants, teachers and policemen are paid so little that they are unable to live on their salaries. For this reason, they are forced to take money for favors, and as a result, money goes missing before it can reach the people it is intended for. Consequently, the gap between rich and poor becomes wider, and so we see tyrants and dictators living in palaces while their people starve.




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