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1. I thought I saw a removals van outside your house yesterday afternoon.

2. She keeps being sick and I am beginning to get a bit worried.

3. 1 just don't know how the hearth system works here in England.

4. All I know is that it's very different from ours back in Canada.

5. The first thing you have to do is find a family doctor-sometimes we call them general practitioners as well- and register with him or her.

6. If you live here, you've got to be on a doctors list.

7. If you're not, things can be a bit difficult.

8. Nobody will come out to you if you're not registered. Anyway, they work in things called practices.

9. Sort of small groups of family doctors all working together in the same building.

10. There are two practices near here, so we're quite well off for doctors in this part of Manchester.

11. There's the Dean End Health Centre about ten minutes' walk away and there's another practice in South Hay.

12. That's about five minutes away going towards the town centre.

13. There are about six doctors in our practice and four in the other.

14. And the building and everything's a bit more modem.

15. Their only problem is that they don't have a proper appoinhnent system. Sometimes you have to wait for ages there to see someone.

16. Anyway, you go to the receptionist in whichever health centre and ask her to register you with a doctor there.

17. They say he's very good with elderly people, but he does tend to get a bit impatient with children.

18. Listen, the one who's supposed to be really good with small children is Dr Shaw.

19. If her list is full, I heard somebody say the other day that there's a really nice young doctor at South Hay, a Dr Williams.

20. If you want a doctor to visit you at home, you have to ask for a home visit.

21. You're supposed to do that before 10:30 in the morning, but obviously, if it's an emergency, you can phone at any time, night or day.

22. It might not be your doctor that comes, though. It's quite often one of the other doctors in the practice.

23. Otherwise you make an appointment to see your doctor at the health centre.

24. They hold surgeries between 9 and 11:30 every weekday, and from 4 to 6:30 Monday to Thursday.

25. Saturdays are only for emergencies.



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