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April 9, 2013

Yay! Today is Easter. Mommy said, "Before you eat your chocolate bunny, we are going to hunt for Easter eggs". HUNT? Bring my gun? Well, Mommy said hunting meant "looking for", not "trying to hurt". We boiled lots of eggs yesterday. Then we colored them many bright colors. I guess while I was sleeping, the Easter Bunny found our eggs and hid them all around the house. He left an EASTER EGG HUNT MAP for me. I found one in the piano bench and one in the flower pot! He even hid one by my favorite book on the bookshelf. That bunny can hide eggs pretty well. Daddy had to help me find some of them. He said if we didn't find them all, they would get pretty smelly after a few weeks! I was glad we found them all, so I could eat my chocolate bunny. Well, part of it. Mommy will only let me have a little each day. How can I wait so long to eat it all?



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