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Answer 1

I used to like to work on one project to its completion before starting another, but I've learned to work on many projects at the same time. I think it allows me to be more creative and effective in each one.


Answer 2

My greatest weakness is being shy. I tend to be shy when I meet new people, but when I get better acquainted with them, things usually work out well. Also, when I raise a new idea that I'm scared others won't buy, I get nervous that it won't go well. But once I start to work on the idea, I won't stop until it's accomplished. I usually get good feedback afterwards.

我较大的缺点就是害羞。我与陌生人相处时就容易害羞,但一旦熟悉之后,状况就会好转。另外,当我提出新主意时,我总是怕别人不赞同,我会紧张事情不顺利。但我一旦开始为想法付出行动时,我就不会放弃,直到完成。之后我通常能得到好的反馈。Answer 3

I don't have enough courage to speak many words, due to my speech impairment. I realized that I need to talk to someone in order to get my thoughts across, and practice to make it better.


Answer 4

My weakness is that I always put new things and new ideas at work, even when I know that some colleagues are happy to do it the way they used to. Sometimes people do not like this.


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