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B=Bartender (酒保) G=Guest (宾客)

B: Good evening, sir! What can I make for you tonight?晚上好,先生。今晚我能为你做些什么?

G: I'll have a Whisky.我想要杯威士忌。

B: We have Chivas Regal, Old Parr, Johnnie Walker Black and Red Labels, Cutty Sark and Queen Anne. Which would you like?我们有皇家芝华士、老伯威、尊尼获加黑牌和红牌、顺风和安妮皇后。你要哪一样?

G: Give me a Chivas Regal.皇家芝华士。

B: Royal Salute or 12 years?皇家礼炮还是12年?

G: Royal Salute.皇家礼炮。

B: One Chivas Regal Royal Salute. And How would you like your Scotch, straight or on the rock?一杯芝华士皇家礼炮。您想要纯的还是加冰块?

G: With iced water.加冰水。

B: Here you are, sir. Whisky with iced water.给你,先生。加冰水的威士忌。

G: Thank you. Now how much do I owe you?谢谢。我该付多少钱?

B: The Chivas Regal Royal Salute is 40 yuan plus 10% service charge. So the total is 44 yuan. You can hold the payment of the bill until you decide to leave if you like.芝华士皇家礼炮是40元加上10%服务费,所以一共是44元。你可以等到要离开时再付账。

G: Really? In American bars you pay drink by drink as you get it.真的吗?在美国的酒吧,你喝一杯就要付一杯的钱。

B: But isn't that too much of trouble?但那不是太麻烦了吗?

G: Well, yes, it is. But then it is much safer. You see, American bars can be very crowded and it is very hard to keep an eye on everyone. Besides you can never know what may happen when people drink too much.嗯,确实,但也比较保险。美国的酒吧会很拥挤,很难注意到每一位顾客。另外你永远无法知道当人们喝得太多的时候会发生什么事。

B: I see. But we've never had any experience of a guest sneaking out on us without paying his bill or a situation where the guest is unable to pay his bill or refuses to pay his bill.我明白了。但是我们从来没有遇到过任何一个客人不支付账单或是付不起账、拒绝付账的情况。

G: Well, the way I see it, you've been pushing your luck and you've been lucky so far. That's all ok, here is 45 yuan and you can keep the change.好吧,在我看来你一直在赌运气,并且你一直都很幸运。就是这样。这里是45元,不用找了。

B: That's very kind of you, sir. But there is no tipping in China. And here is the change.谢谢您,先生。但是在中国没有小费的。这是您的找零。

G: I'm sorry. I didn't know that. You see, I just got in town a few hours ago from Japan. No tipping? That's good. But just for curiosity's sake, how can you survive without tips?很抱歉。我不知道。我几小时前刚从日本来到这里。没有小费吗?那很好。但只是出于好奇的问一句,没有小费你是怎么生存的呢?

B: Just as everybody else. You see, we are paid the same monthly wage as everybody else in the hotel.和其他人一样。我们和其他在酒店工作的人一样,每月都领取相同的工资。

G: I see. The reason I was wondering whether you could make a living without taking tips is that in my country, bartenders are paid a much lower basic hourly pay than people in non-tipping positions. They expect the tips from the customers to make up the difference. If they don't get enough tips they won't be able to make a living.我明白了。我想知道你不收小费是如何谋生的原因是因为在我们国家,没机会获得小费的服务生的基本工资要低得多。他们希望能从顾客的小费那里得补偿。如果没有足够的小费,他们就没法生存下去。

B: And do they usually get enough tips?那么他们都能得到足够的小费吗?

G: Yes, they do most of the time. They generally make pretty good money.是的,大多数时候都能。他们通常能得到很可观的小费。

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