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A: I m going to quit right away if you refused my request.

A: 如果拒绝我的请求我将马上退出。

B: Don t jump to conclusions so quickly. I ll give you a pay raise, so stay with us.

B: 不要这么早就做结论。我会给你加薪的, 继续待着吧。

A: What difference does that make? At that time, I still have a lot and lots of things to do.

A: 这有什么区别? 到时我还是会有很多很多事情要做。

B: I was just curious what you are pursuing for.

B: 我很好奇你到底追求什么。

A: I don t want to have a pay rise but a casual time. You see, I will never have time belong to me. I become a slave of the company. I have to quit the job.

A: 我不稀罕涨工资只想要闲适的生活。你看,我总是没有属于我自己的时间。我成了公司的奴隶。我要辞职。

B: Well, I give up.

B: 好,我只能同意了。

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