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Q3:What college subjects did you like least?Why?


A3(1):The college subjects I liked least were the ones that didn't pertain to my major. Once I got rolling on my path to becoming an elementary school teacher, it was hard to study for a French exam knowing I had projects to work on that were not only essential to complete my major requirements, but were also a lot more appealing to me.


A3(2):As much as I would love to be an artist, I unfortunately was not blessed with the talent. Even with the best drawing and painting professors, I was not able to perfect my ability to do either.So, I would have to say, my least favorite subjects were introduction to drawing and introduction to painting.


A3(3):My least favorite college subject was math. As an English Literature major, all I wanted to do was read the work of great authors and perfect my writing ability.I found Math, more specifically Linear Algebra, to be a difficult class for me to participate in and prepare for, but it was a requirement, so I forged ahead and completed the course.


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