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1. It's (almost) time for class.上课的时间(快)到了。

(nearly) a break休息的时间(快)到了。

(about) grammar(差不多)该学语法了。

2. It's time to start now.该上课了.

to begin Lesson One,该开始学第一课了。

to have a break该休息了.

to stop该停止了。

to end the class该下课了.

3. Is everybody ready start?都准备好上课了吗?

here 都到了吗?

presentIs anybody absent?有人缺席吗?

4. Who is absent?谁没来?

on duty today今天谁值日?

b. Who can explain this?谁能解释这一点?

wants to try谁想试试?

will be the first to speak 谁先说?

will break the ice.谁来开头炮?

6. Let's begin now.我们开始吧。

star our English lesson开始上英语课吧。

have a roll call我们来点一下名。

start off at page 10我们从第10页开始。

go on from where we left off last time我们从上次结束的地方开始。

do dictation first我们先来听写。

go on now to Ex. 7我们现在接着做练习七。

have some fresh air换一点新鲜空气吧。

call it a day今天就上到这里-7. Let him go on.让他说下去.

me see让我想想看。

me have a look first让我先看一下.

me hear that again让我再听一遍。

8. (I'm) sorry, that~my fault.对不起,是我的问题。

I didn't notice it很抱歉,我没注意到。

I've left your exercise books in my office很抱歉,我把你们的练习薄忘在办公室里了。

I lost my line of thougut 抱歉,我忘了刚才说什么。

I've overrun the time对不起,我超过时间了.

you've made a spelling mistake遗憾,你犯了个拼写错误。

9. I'm sorry to be late.我来迟了,真抱歉。

to say Tom is ill很遗憾,汤姆病了。

to hear that我听到这消息很难受。

to have kept you so long对不起,我多占了你们时间.

10. Please get (everything) ready for class.请做好上课的(一切)准备。

hurry up and sit down请赶快坐好.

listen to me carefully请仔细听我说。

come to the blackboard到黑板跟前来。

go back to your seat回到座位上去。

11. Would you please take out your books?请把书拿出来.

Will put up your hand请举手。

think for a while请想一下.

12. Write this down, please.请把这记下来。

标签:英语课堂常用句型 英语课堂常用句型 英语课堂常用句型



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