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买东西,尤其是女性购买衣服,都是为了自己的形象image能够拿得出手look good,这样才会提升自己的魅力charm或者charisma,还有自信心confidence等等。下面就来说说关于购物的雅思话题,千万别错过。


Describe an item of clothing other bought for you(what it is like,who bought for you,why he/she bought for you)

Do you like shopping? What do you like to buy?

Do you have any shopping habit?

Men and women, who prefer shopping?

What are the differences of their buying habits?

What is your opinion of shopping online?


Describe a thing you wanted to buy but you had to save money(what it was, how long you had to save money, why you bought it, how you feel after you bought it)

What is the difference between shopping in big city and countryside?

What is the difference between males and females when they buy things?

How to measure people’s living standard? Do you think it is fair?

Poor child or rich child, who is happier? Why?

What problems may poor child have?

Some parents buy whatever their children want, what do you think?

What do you think of shopping online?


1. Why does shopping make people happy?


这个问题其实比较简单,但仍然有一些同学可能会反而把这个问题想得很复杂,我们其实并不需要从一个非常专业的心理学角度psychological angle来准确回答,只需要做到“言之有理,言之有物,紧扣主题,自圆其说”就可以了。



买东西,尤其是女性购买衣服,都是为了自己的形象image能够拿得出手look good,这样才会提升自己的魅力charm或者charisma,还有自信心confidence等等。其实不光是女士,男士在买车买房上也是比较务实的practical或者唯物的materialistic,因为社会上大家都在这么做,你如果不这么购置物品和别人保持基本的一致的话,在某种意义上来说,你还不够成功。

但是通过购买,你就可以获得成就感a sense of achievement等。我们还可以列举更多这样的例子,主语可以换成学生students,老年人the elderly,或者再确切点家庭主妇housewives,商业大亨business tycoon,都可以通过他们购买的特定东西来说明让他们快乐的原因。

Well, you know it's always a pleasant feeling to wear brand new clothes that look good. It can make your image better and improve your charisma, and people are more self-confident when they are pleased with their appearance. I think it’s understandable that ladies always try to buy new clothes. Furthermore, people are all becoming more and more materialistic: we all care about occupying good stuff like cars or big houses and even the latest version of iPhone, especially when other people have. If we can afford something fancy with our own salary, we will experience a sense of achievement.


几种在句中常见的表示递进的关联词,来替换and的单一性:furthermore, moreover, still, in addition, additionally, more specifically, besides, in other words, on the other hand, meanwhile, at the same time…

2. How do shops nowadays compare to shops in the past?


很多同学还是比较擅长描述现在的购物都是怎么样的。被我们聊得最多的也就是网上购物在逐渐代替实体店购物这件事。但是我们同时应该注意到,题目中出现了compare这个单词,就是要求我们说明两件事情,并作出一个比较明显的比较。而就不是单单说一方面了。并且是shop的为主语,其实更多的是想问实体店physical shops的今昔对比。



I suppose that a few decades ago, people had to go to different places to buy daily items they needed: hammer in a hardware store, pork at the butcher’s or clothes in a tailor’s shop. But I believe that the shop owners were also more welcoming and considerate. Nowadays, a superstore like Walmart or Carrefour provides every single necessity and these are extremely convenient for people’s living. And for sure, shopping malls are available wherever you go. I bet now there are a lot more shops than in the past. As a consequence, customers have way more options than they did 30 years ago.


hammer锤子 hardware五金器具,硬件 butcher屠夫 tailor裁缝


Walmart 沃尔玛 Carrefour家乐福


3. What are the features of a successful shopping center?


我们遇到这样一个问题的时候会不会选择拿一个著名的shopping mall来举例子呢?如果你举得这个例子是你自己本身比较熟悉的,是专门研究过,积累过一定素材的就还好,但如果不是可能会出现越说到后面就越无话可说的情况。



First of all, location is the crucial factor that affects it popularity. It should be conveniently situated for its clients. In addition, I bet a fabulous shopping mall should be quite modern and trendy for its exterior. But the interior should be spacious and tidy with large clean windows. This will create a comfortable environment and atmosphere. Most importantly, they should offer customers good quality products as well as service. If they do so, they will definitely attract and retain the shoppers.



conveniently 方便地

client customer shopper顾客

exterior/interior 外部、内部




利弊讨论提问标志:Do you think it is positive or negative development?


首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场:



尾段:再次亮明观点 + 总结理由


Such is nature to own what our hearts desire that is why many modern people like to spend their hardly earned money on their favorite goods. The contrivance of the Internet has profoundly revolutionized modern people’s option of consumption in many aspects. People have been debating the pros of cons of on-line shopping without reaching any definite agreement. Personally speaking, the merits of shopping on line prevail over its possible demerits.


Seen from the positive aspects, many benefits could be gained by selecting and buying our favorites on line. The most glaring merit is that on-line shopping not only surmounts the geographical barrier,economizes great amounts of time, but also improves the flexibility of consumption. In this sense, those who select on-line shopping have more time to embark on more worthwhile things such as focusing on working or building up physique. Another advantage coming from on-line consumption is that it adds spice to our dull routine of daily life. A case in point is that a lot of fashionable ladies take pleasure in browsing various on-line shops, comparing different prices and bargaining with the owners of on-line shops. They usually end up buying their desirable goods. Last,on-line shopping will exert a beneficial influence on one’s financial budget due to the fact that on-line shops, in most cases, do not need to rent spacious places or employing many salesgirls, therefore, the price of on-line merchandise is, comparatively speaking, economical and reasonable, which indicates that we can buy more desirable goods even though we are hard-pressed for money.


Problems, however, inevitably ensue. On-line shopping is a two-edged weapon which can be used equally for good or evil. One possible demerit is that many on-line advertisements are full of flowery phrases and empty promises, therefore, consumers might be fooled into buying counterfeited goods. Many stories concerning on-line consumption fraud could justify my worry. Even worse,it is highly possible that some young consumers might spend money like water on their favorite goods on line out of the reason of seizing the chances of discount, in this case, on-line buying will impose much pressure upon some unwise consumers economically.


Overall, what is of the utmost importance is to harness the merits of on-line buying and discard its demerits. The government should be urged to strengthen the censorship of on-line ads. Meanwhile, it is the duty of every consumer to raise the awareness of wise consumption.


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