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Jack:Hello,Mary.Do you know when will this year’s Oscar Award Ceremony be held?

Mary:It’s said that this year’s Oscar Award Ceremony will be held on the 2nd of March.

Jack:Who are nominated this year?

Mary:I just know three persons;they are Leonardo Dicaprio,Tom Hanks,Nicolas Cage.

Jack:Whom do you think will win the best actor?

Mary:I think it’s most possible for Leonardo DiCaprio to win it for his perfect acting in that film.

Jack:Yeah,I like him too.Which Chinese film is nominated this year?

Mary:There is no Chinese film to be nominated this year.Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon is the only Chinese film which has won the Oscar by now.

Jack:What a pity!I heard this year’s tough competitor is a science fiction.

Mary:Yes,this film has a good box office record and has made a hit in many countries.

Jack:The story is exciting and full of suspense.

Mary:Really?I haven’t seen such a marvelous plot for a long time.

Jack:The camera work was very good and the acting was first-rate too.Especially the man who played the villain acted very well.

Mary:I heard the American Hollywood wanted to continue the next part of it.

Jack:Wow,I’m really longing for this year’s ceremony.


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