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A: I think a drought has set in. It hasn t rained a drop for months.

A: 我觉得要干旱了,几个月都没下一滴雨了。

B: I think so, too, but didn t it rain last month?

B: 我也觉得是,难道上个月没下雨吗?

A: It did rain last month, but the rainfall was only half the monthly average.

A: 上月下了,但是仅下了月平均雨量的一半。

B: Oh, that is bad!

B: 糟透了!

A: That s right. It s really bad. I m really concerned though not panicked yet.

A: 是啊!糟透了!我很关心虽然还没有造成恐慌。

B: I don t blame you. The pastures havebrowned out even before the summer hasn t arrived.

B: 这不能怪你。夏季还没来草原就被放牧光了。

A: Yeah, and the soil has been baked so hard that the plow can t even break the soil.

A: 是,土地干的连犁都插不进去了。

B: Looks like it s going to be an ongoing thing that would get worse each day.

B: 似乎每天都在变得更糟糕。

A: Yeah. If it doesn t rain, it s going to get critical.

A: 是啊,再不下雨,情况会更恶劣。

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