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A: Did you hear that the drought conditions are severe? There s a lot of death, dying, and suffering out there!

A: 你知道吗?干旱正在加剧!已经引起了许多死亡。

B: I heard that, but it s not surprising actually, because we haven t had as much rain as normal this year.

B: 我听说了,事实上并不奇怪,因为今年的雨水比往年少得多。

A: Well, if it could rain even a drop, things would be much better! And my flowers in the garden would come back in a heartbeat.

A: 是啊,如果能下点雨,哪怕是一滴雨,情况也会好些!我花园的那些花也会很好看了。

B: I guess you might have to quit watering your garden. I heard that they are going to start rationing water. In fact, this morning I happened to hear on the radio that the reservoir had dipped below half its capacity this month and the volume of water entering the reservoir is the smallest in fifty years.

B: 我觉得你恐怕不能浇你的花园了。我听说他们正在限制用水。事实上,今天早上我听到广播说这月水库的水位已经降到一半以下了,而流进去的水是五十年来最少的。

A: Really! I thought that might happen. Great! There go my vegetables!

A: 真的嘛!我想有可能。看来我得种点菜!

B: I guess so. But think about Africa.

B: 我想也是,想想非洲吧。

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