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音乐是反映人类现实生活情感的一种艺术(英名称:music;法文名称: musique;意大利文:musica)。下面小编为大家整理的聊音乐的对话英语,希望对大家有用!


A: What is your favorite music?

A: 你喜欢什么音乐?

B: Well, I like classical music.

B: 我喜欢古典音乐。

A: Do you like Irish music? I have a CD newly published.

A: 你喜欢爱尔兰风格得音乐吗? 我有一张最新发布的CD。

B: It s great! Where did you get the CD?

B: 太好了! 你从哪买的?

A: I bought it from the CD shop in the supermarket. Have you been there?

A: 我在超级市场的CD店买的。你去过那儿吗?

B: Yes. I do my weekly shopping every Friday. It is really a good shop, isn t it?

B: 去过。每周五都去购物。真是家好店, 是吧?

A: Yes. Hey, I ve got some photos of our family in New York. Would you like to see them?

A: 是的。嗨, 我有一些我家里人在纽约的照片。要不要看看?

B: Why not? I d love to!

B: 干吗不? 我很想看!

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