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春节 英文名:Spring Festival or Chinese New Year

除夕 英文名:New Year’s Eve


As Spring Festival is coming, are you getting ready for it? 春节快到了,你准备好了吗?

So just tell me about your plan. 请告诉我你的计划吧。


New Year celebrations run from Chinese New Year’s Eve, the last day of the last month of the lunar calendar, to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month.


年夜饭 annual reunion dinner

New Year’s Eve is an occasion for Chinese families to gather for annual reunion dinner.每个家庭都会在除夕夜团聚,一起吃年夜饭。


对联 red couplets

Red couplets are usually with the themes of health, wealth and good luck.对联的主题一般为健康,财富和好运。

红包 red envelope

At the Spring Festival, parents or relatives give children lucky money in red envelopes.父母或亲戚会在春节给孩子们压岁钱。

大扫除 thoroughly clean the house


迎好运 bring in good luck 驱厄运 sweep away ill fortune


A: Happy New Year!

A: 新年快乐!

B: Uh...I'm a bit confused; New Year's Day was over weeks ago.

B: 嗯……我有点搞迷糊了,新年不是几周前就过去了吗?

A: You must be kidding! It is Chinese New Year, silly!

A: 你在开什么玩笑啊!我是说春节,你这傻瓜!

B: Oh right, it slipped my mind. Why do you celebrate two New Years?

B: 喔,对了,我都忘了。你们为什么要庆祝两个新年啊?

A: Chinese New Year is according to the lunar calendar. Chinese have been celebrating New Years in this fashion for thousands of years.

A: 春节是根据农历而定的。中国人庆祝这个节日的习俗已经延续几千年了。

B: I noticed that our company was very empty the past couple of days.

B: 我发现这几天我们公司里空荡荡的。

A: That is because everyone goes home for Chinese New Year; it is a family holiday, not so much a party holiday. Would you like to come to my house for New Year's Dinner?

A: 因为大家都回家过年啦,这是个家庭团聚的日子,不太属于狂欢的节日。你想要到我家吃年夜饭吗?

B: Of course. Will you set off firecrackers?

B: 当然好啊,你们会放鞭炮吗?

A: Naturally, but the most important thing that we do during New Years is to eat! So make sure to bring your appetite!

A: 会啊,不过过年期间最重要的事情就是吃,所以准备好大吃一顿哦!


Spring Festival, which falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month is the most important festival in China and a time for family reunion, like Christmas in the West.


Traditionally, Spring Festival starts in the early days of the 12th month of the lunar calendar and lasts until the middle of the 1st lunar month of the following year.


With the modernization of China, some traditional customs are still followed today, but others have fallen by the way side.


As we are preparing for the most important festival, let's have a review of the traditional customs that celebrate the Spring Festival.


1. 腊月二十三:小年祭灶

Little New Year, which falls the 23rd day of the 12th month in the Lunar calendar, is also known as the Festival of the Kitchen God, the deity who oversees the moral character of each household.


2. 腊月二十四:扫舍去尘

Families undertake thorough house cleaning on the 24th day of the 12th month in the Lunar calendar,sweeping out the old in preparation for the coming year.


3. 腊月二十五:推磨做豆腐

People turn the mill and make tofu on the 25th day of the 12th month in the Lunar calendar, as legend says the Jade Emperor will descend and taste the soybean curd residue to experience an austere life.


4. 腊月二十六:杀猪割年肉

The folk saying goes: "butcher a pig and get some meat to prepare for the New Year feast" on the 26th day of the 12th month in the Lunar calendar.

中国有一句俗语:“杀猪割年肉。” 农历腊月二十六正是杀猪割年肉的日子。

5. 腊月二十七:宰鸡赶集

People kill chickens and go to market to buy provisions for the Spring Festival on the 27th day of the 12th month in the Lunar Calendar.


6. 腊月二十八:题写桃符

After people have cleaned the house and started preparing food, they begin decorating their homes, creating an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity on the 28th day of the 12th month in the Lunar Calendar.


7. 腊月二十九:上供请祖

On the 29th day of the 12th lunar month people visit the graves of their ancestors to honor their memory.


8. 腊月三十:除夕守岁

Chinese people are supposed to stay up the whole night on the 30th day of the 12th month in the Lunar Calendar.

In Chinese mythology, a monster called nian would come out to harm people on New Year's Eve, so people get together, staying up and chatting, hoping for a peaceful passage of time.


The custom of staying up (Chinese: shou tai sui) symbolizes the warding off of all diseases and disasters and wishing good luck in the New Year.


Chinese people attach great importance to the Spring Festival Eve, when all family members eat dinner together.


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