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Gender discrimination still exists in many aspects worldwide. A representative example is that some employers prefer recruiting males to females. Some people argue that the company should accept the same number of men and women. Personally, the benefits outnumber its drawbacks.


As is stated in law, female workers possess the same rights as males do. Therefore, they are supposed to be treated equally at work. In the past decade or so, employers discriminated against women job seekers. Nowadays, most of them have noticed that gender discrimination is banned by the labor law, so this shows their respect for gender equality and for the law.

2. 男女搭配,干活儿不累

Another reason contributing to my argument is that cooperation between male and female works as a catalyst for job accomplishment. There is scientific evidence suggesting that males and females tend to take different approaches for problem-solving. For instance, …

Another reason contributing to my argument is that cooperation between male and female works as a catalyst for job accomplishment. There is scientific evidence suggesting that males and females tend to take different approaches for problem-solving. For instance, males are more creative and have better stress resilience. By contrast, female workers are more discreet and patient. So, working together goes a long way when dealing with certain problems at work.

3. 让步-反驳

From a practical perspective, some jobs which need greater patience and communication skills, such as primary teaching and nursing jobs, may be more suitable for women, while physically demanding jobs like firefighting and cargo delivery may be well-completed by men. However, with the application of automatic equipment, the gender gap has greatly narrowed. More and more women will be competent in the jobs which are originally suitable for men with the help of it.

In conclusion, it seems to me that a gender-balanced organization is more likely to achieve success. Employers should give male and female candidates equal rights so as to improve gender balance of staff members.

More employers try to employ equal numbers of male and female for all types of jobs.

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?















recruit 招募 ≈accept

stipulate 规定

gender discrimination 性别歧视

gender equality 性别平等

approach 做某事的途径

stress resilience 抗压能力

colleagues, co-workers 同事

physically demanding jobs 对体力有所要求的工作

job candidates 求职者

be treated unequally at work 工作上受到不公正对待

career woman 职业女性

man chauvinism 大男子主义

be underpaid所得报酬过低


inferior to men (地位)不如男人

be treated equally 得到平等对待

receive equal treatment 得到相同的待遇

treat men and women alike 男女一视同仁

take up a career 开始事业

feminist 男女平等主义者, 女权扩张论者

women’s liberation movement 妇女解放运动

have some say in the family 在家里有发言权

be prompted to a higher position 被提升到更高的职位

be financially independent 经济独立

the economic basis for equality 男女平等需要的经济基础

enjoy equality/equal rights with 与……平等

male dominated society 男性统制的社会

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