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1. How often do you read?表示频率的问题算是话题中比较简单,而且回答通常较短的问题了。大家只要掌握一些表示频率的短语副词就好,别忘了加入细节作支撑哦。你可以说只要有空闲时间就读,读书能让你放松,让你学习新的词汇和知识等等。


让人放松: loosen up / make someone at ease / cool down

学习新知识:acquire / gain knowledge


经常:usually-quite often-every now and then

有时:sometimes;at times;occasionally;now and then

每周几次: once a week;every other day;once a week

断断续续:off and on

几乎从来不:hardly ever;hardly/seldom

2. Do you have any books at home?如果你还是学生,这道题对你来说就太有可聊的了,小说(fiction),杂志(magazine),漫画(comics)也是书。美女们肯定会有时尚刊物,男生们总会有一些电脑或是篮球杂志对不对。


爱读书的人:I’m a reading man / great reader / bookworm

很多: a great many / a number of / plenty of

不是特别多: few / not much / few and far between

时尚刊物:fashion periodicals

体育杂志:sports journals

3. Do Chinese people like to read?我们可以分情况来说,毕竟有些人真的很爱读书,但是也有部分人觉得读书无聊,更喜欢看视频或是听音频。总的来说读过人读书的数量确实要比西方国家少很多。

Generally speaking,compared with western countries, the number of Chinese who do reading is far from satisfactory. Even a small percentage of people really love reading, the majority have less intention on it. I mean, they like radio or video better.

4. What kind of people like reading and what kind of people don't like reading very much?这道题应该是这里面最难说的,就连中文我们都不知道怎么说,喜欢与否完全取决于他们的个人兴趣。还好雅思口语没有标准答案,只要你能表述清楚自己的想法就好。

Well,it is really a tough question for me. Please give me a second to organize my words. En, I don’t think there is a clear criterion to classify who likes reading and who doesn't. In my eyes, it’s all up to their willing and interest.



1.What kinds of books did you like to read when you were young?

2.Do you still keep these books?

3.Have you ever given others books as gifts?

4.What’s your favorite kind of books?


1. Oh, it’s a tough question, or it should be more of what books I don’t read. I have a really open mind to books and what genre they are. Classic literature, novel, autobiography, historical story, even romance-flavoured fantasy like vampires and werewolves…whatever.

如果想让自己的雅思口语答案更像是真实的交流而不是背答案,可以学习一下该答案的回答方式。Oh, it’s a tough question, or it should be more of what books I don’t read.几乎就是一种反客为主的方法,一下子就将考试变成了交流。

2. No. not really. Our home has been relocated several times,so I believe only a couple of my teen books survive the turbulent times. A lot of books were simply gotten rid of, some in my knowledge, some out of. I know for sure the works of George Orwell were well kept because they are my all time favourites.

学习relocate,survive这两个动词的用法,还有get rid of和in my knowledge。

3. A book makes a fantastic gift, so a big fat yes. a book that I know the receiver will like and I can easily afford is often my top 1 choice of a gift.. I send a good English glossary book to a friend who is struggling for a better command of English vocabulary, and a great advanced English grammar book to a smart middle schooler I once tutored. Usually it serve as a parting gift and I would leave some little encouraging words on the tittle page.


4. Honestly.... I would have to go with Harry Potter, the fantasy fiction. Harry Potter was my gateway series to the genre of fiction fantasy. It was a thrilling ride when I first read it. It introduced me to a world of such potential and so many possibilities, that it was only natural that I would read books that have perfected J.K. Rowling's style. It's only natural that I would come across and read books which are miles above the Harry Potter franchise.

go with, gateway, introduce, such potential and so many possibilities.


1.Q:A book makes a fantastic gift. True or false?



It’s true because books are personal - they show you care enough to pick something specific. They are a way of sharing something that moved you, or made you laugh. They communicate This really made me think of you.

It’s false, because depending on mitigating factors and circumstances, a book can absolutely tank, and prove to be a real stinker of a present, met with “You shouldn’t have. No….really.”

Of course, there are fairly surefire ways to give a book as a gift successfully. Almost anyone would find use and appreciation for a blank journal. If you want to wow them, a signed copy of a book you already know they love makes for a special surprise, and one that will possibly appreciate in monetary value, not just sentimental.

Having enjoyed and endured my fair share of successes and failures in the books-as-gifts department, I feel equipped to comment on common book-gifting errors, and hopefully prevent some lovely soul with the best intentions from having their gift fall flat.

Onward, brave booklovers.

2.Q: Is there such a thing as 'buying too many books'?


以下的回答有着非常细腻的笔法,生动的细节,每一段都值得去背诵与模仿。可以说ever word speaks of a avid book-lover!

A:My heart fluttered when I read this question and to be honest, I don't think I'd be able to find any discourse with anyone in the world who would be able to give a very clear answer to that. Nonetheless I shall try to answer this to the best of my ability. There is a Japanese word - Tsuduku: which is the constant act of buying books, but never reading them. Specifically, it is letting books pile up in one's room so much that the owner never gets a chance to read all of them. This is done by the owners of the books, not by the booksellers. Would we call it hoarding? The answer depends upon the person looking at this issue but as a person who loves buying books, let me indulge in this.

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