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一个雅思口语考官如果全勤的话,一年48场考试下来得面试近千人的。那么ta在众考生的背诵答案的狂轰滥炸下,你知道考官会干些什么吗?大多数惨淡口语分数的背后其实,还写着考官的一句话:don't lie to me。


你以为你正常的说话能说的那么快,你们自己说一段儿汉语,录音下来试试,看看你自然而然的说话是什么样子的!!!一定要记住停顿与思考!!!停顿与思考的时候使用filler+discourse marker,然后千万别忘了,使用connectives连接词!!!




我说的!雅思口语发音确实没有那么重要,但是重要的在于语调!!!每一个国家都有每个国家的发音方式,但是记住!无论什么样的语言,它所携带的感情都是一样的,一样的感情,就需要在语言本身当中加入一些喜怒哀乐!喜怒哀乐的表现方式就是【轻重缓急】!考官最反感的就是robotic tone,从头到尾像机器人一样一个语调。就像前面说的,人一激动,语速会变快,而声调的起伏也一样会起变化。就好像我们中文里面,讲到些开心,激动的事情,会不由自主地升调;讲到伤心,沮丧的事情,会降调你说话的时候语调一成不变,又不是在播新闻联播,考官怎么可能不怀疑!



Milly gave me some advice about health care.

She said that a person who wanted to be healthy must do 3 things.

The first is sleeping well. Sleeping is the most important factor of health. A person needs to sleep at least 8 hrs every day, and the best time for sleeping is between 10 pm and 7 am. staying up is the killer of fitness, while in the past, I liked to play computer games very much, sometimes I stayed up overnight and slept for 24 hrs the second day, which was a really bad habit.

Milly also suggested me to eat more vegetables and fruits, especially the fresh ones. But for me, I thought, vegetables were grasses, which was used to feed animals. Instead I only ate red meats,like pork, beef and mutton, now I am trying to change the habit and I am getting used to vegetables and fruits.

The last, she suggested me is doing exercises. At that time she was doing yoga, which she thought was an excellent exercise for ladies. I haven’t joined her so far, though I tried many times, but I will make up my mind to do it.

That is the suggestion from milly, who helped me a lot. I do appreciate it very much.

雅思口语话题范文:有趣校园活动(interesting school event)

was in the third grade at the local primary school in Montreal, Canada when the event took place. It was about participating in a quiz competition and I won the first prize there. I was awarded a certificate and a nice piece of water jar as a recognition. In fact, it was the first achievement of my life. During the school days, I have achieved many other prizes and in the later part of the college, I also secured a notable number of awards. But the memories of the first award in my school is still vivid in my mind. In fact, it was the beginning of the journey. Thank you for this interesting question. It reminds me of my school days. I am turning nostalgic. Here I will describe the event in brief.

It was an inter-class quiz competition. Since I had a neck to know about everything by reading books since an early age, I attempted at the event. My mom also inspired me to participate in the competition. Actually, she inspired me most to be at the competition and also told me that I do not have to win the event. She wanted me to increase my knowledge and experience from that early age. Finally, I took part there and it was a grand success for me. I won the first prize in that inter-class quiz competition. And since then, I have never been second in position in the other competitions I took part in.

The event is still memorable for many reasons. I was a girl of hardly seven years old. And it was really daring to express the intention to take part in a heavy competition. The questions were made based on categories. I selected two categories and correctly answered all the questions. When it was in a group, I tried to score the highest point for my group. The competition was tougher. Most of the participants were my seniors and I was the youngest competitor among them. So, many of them ignored me and when I won the prize, it was a nice reply from my part to them. Hence, the memories are still awake in my mind.

The feelings are sweet. I was a little girl then and now a matured lady. But this time, I have undergone a large number of sweet and sour experiences in my life. I have won in battles, I failed. I stood up again. But the beginning of this battle started with the winning of the quiz competition in my childhood. After that event, I have won many prizes in home and abroad. But the feelings are not the same as it was for the first quiz competition. I feel charmed for that event.


Describe a well-known person. You should say:

Who he/she is.

What makes him/her famous?

Why you admire him/her.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.


a) The most important person that I would like to talk about, is a man called Confucius.

b) I am sure you have heard or read about him before.


a) He is known as the greatest philosopher and writer of all times in China.

b) For example, he is regarded as the founder of the Chinese literature.


a) He lived about 500 BC in the region that is known as Shan Dong province today.

b) The site of his tomb was later developed by his followers into the first university in China.

As to why I would like to talk about him, there are several reasons. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them shortly.


a) First of all, I firmly believe that he was a very gentle and easy-going person.

b) In other words, he did not believe that problems and conflicts should be solved by violence.


a) Secondly, he obviously was a man who possessed great wisdom.

b) You just have to read his writings, and listen to his sayings to agree with me.


a) Lastly, he is my favorite famous person because of the influence that his teachings have in Asia to this day.

b) For instance, countries like China, Japan, and Korea, still use his teachings as the basis to arrange their societies.

7. So, that in brief, was my favorite famous person.

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