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April 29, 2013

Mommy, Daddy and I went on a tour around our neighborhood today. They walked and I rode my bike. I don't know how they can walk fast enough to keep up with me. Maybe they run when I'm not looking. We have lots of trees on our street. I like to race from tree to tree. But I always stop to pet the neighbor's cat. She is very soft and friendly. She likes to see who's racing by. Today, her owner came out to talk to us. She said her name was Fluffy. It was a good name for her. After I petted Fluffy, we turned the corner and saw four kids playing in their yard. One of them was about my size. We said hi, and I raced past to show them how fast I could ride. I'm an EXCELLENT RACER, you know. Maybe they'll want to race me next time.



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