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《云中漫步》A Walk in the Clouds——优雅浪漫的爱情

"A Walk in the Clouds"is a glorious romantic fantasy, aflame with passion and bittersweet longing. One needs perhaps to have a little of these qualities in one's soul to respond fully to the film, which to a jaundiced eye might look like overworked melodrama, but that to me sang with innocence and trust.


The movie, set in the vineyards of Northern California in the months right after World War II, tells the story of a young man and woman who meet at a time of crisis in both of their lives, who agree to pretend to be married, and who end up desperately in love just when the pretense is about to fail. The plot lovingly constructs one barrier after another to their happiness, so that we can rejoice as each one falls, only to be even more alarmed at the next.And it sets their story in a place of breathtaking beauty.


The movie opens with Paul(Keanu Reeves)returning home from the war, to a wife he married one day before he shipped out. He doesn't know her, and she hardly understands him.There should never have been a marriage.Now nothing is left.Paul leaves San Francisco on a bus;another passenger is Victoria Aragon(Aitana Sanchez-Gijon).They have a classic Meet Cute:He defends her from some aggressive guys, is thrown off the bus, walks on dejectedly, and finds her standing in the middle of the road with her suitcases.This is her home.


The director is Alfonso Arau, the Mexican filmmaker who had an unexpected success with"Like Water for Chocolate". Once again, he throws caution to the wind and goes for unabashed sentiment, for glorious excess, for love so idealistic it seems never to have heard of the 20th century.At a time when movies seem obligated to be cynical, when it is easier to snicker than to sigh, what a relief this film is!


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