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You've probably seen the term "extreme sports" in magazines, heard about it on the evening news, and seen it advertised in sporting goods stores. The term is becoming more and more common as the concept of extreme sports gains popularity. So, what exactly are extreme sports? The definition of extreme sports is not very clear. Generally speaking, extreme sports are activities that are associated with an adrenaline rush that is felt by the participant. These activities are often dangerous and any mistake could result in injury or even death. Extreme sports are usually done by individuals rather than teams. The following are some extreme sports.


Hang Gliding 悬挂滑翔

It started as gliding down hills on low performance kites, but now pilots can stay airborne for hours, reach altitudes of several thousand feet and reach speeds of over one hundred kilometers per hour. To glide in this way the pilot must find rising air masses. The most common source of lift is thermals where the warm air, heated by warm land mass, raises upwards. There are other types of lift near mountains, hills and cliffs where the wind is deflected upwards. These wind currents and thermals are often unpredictable and this can make the sport dangerous. This is why training is so important, not only to learn how to fly but to understand the weather and know when to stop flying.


Bungee Jumping 蹦极

Bungee Jumping is the sport of leaping off tall structures while connected to a thick rubber band. There is not only the trill of the free-fall but the jumper flies upwards as cord rebounds. Maybe this is not an extreme sport as the skill is down to the knowledge of the commercial operator setting up the equipment correctly and for most who participate, it is just a one off thrill.


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