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Water sports are adventurous, fun-filled, action packed, and exciting. Both physical exertion and mental stimulation can be attained in water sports. They offer a visual treat, motivation, and an elated feeling. Water sports can be played in, on, or under water. Today there are a wide range of water sports to choose from. Water sports include a variety of things such as swimming, surfing, wakeboarding, canoeing and water polo.


As one of the most popular water sports, swimming has been around for centuries. It has evolved to become one of the most common recreational activities as well. Swimming competitions are many, out of which the World Aquatics Championships and the Olympics are the most prestigious. Swimming is a sport that tests your fitness and stamina.


Surfing is riding a surfboard on the forward face of a wave, which mostly carries you towards the shore. There are different types of surfing that depend on the length of the surfboard, its design, the form of the wave that is ridden, and the style of riding. Balance plays a critical role in maintaining the posture during surfing. Various kinds of equipment can be used for surfing. They include surfboards, surf mats, long-board, stand up paddle boards, wave-skis, knee-boards, or skimboards.


Canoeing is done in a small boat called a canoe which is pointed at both ends. It can be done individually, or with a group of people in rivers, lakes, or even water parks. Canoeing can be relaxing or adventurous, depending on the type of water that you choose. Canoeing is very popular, and has been a part of the Olympics for a long time.


Water polo is very energetic and involves a full body workout, as players must swim and defend the ball as well as try to score in the opponent's goal. It's a lot more like handball played in water rather than polo. This sport is very intense and competitive, with a lot of strategies and techniques involved in game play. There are numerous competitions, and it is a very old Olympic event as well.


In a word, water sports are a very fun way to get exercise. They are all very diverse from each other and at the same time, similar. Some water sports have just been introduced in the past 100 years while others have been around for centuries.


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