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雅思段落匹配的技巧。雅思段落信息匹配题(Locating Information)对于同学们来说总是一个解决不了的难点。过去,由于段落信息匹配题既费时又费力,而且不常出现,很多老师经常一语带过,并没有进行详细解说。下面是小编整理的雅思段落匹配技巧的相关文章,希望能帮到你!



READING PASSAGE 1 has eight paragraphs, A-H.

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.

1 a description of an early timekeeping invention affected by cold temperatures

2 an explanation of the importance of geography in the development of the calendar in farming communities

3 a description of the origins of the pendulum clock

4 details of the simultaneous efforts of different societies to calculate time using uniform hours



1. 给出的信息为文中的细节

2. 题目是文章句子的高度同意替换,很少出现与文中重复的字眼

3. 题目不遵循“顺序原则”

4. 题目有时候会出现提示:NB You may use any letter more than once.加大了解题难度。



1. 研读题目,划出题目中的关键词,关键词不能为这篇文章所讨论的名词。比如说文章讨论的是“水”,那么就不能以题目中的“水”作为关键词。

2. 带着关键词浏览文章。浏览文章时不需要弄懂每句话的意思,主要是寻找跟所画关键词为同意替换的词句。其次,通过浏览文章大概理解文章的思路和内容

3. 文章浏览一遍后,大概能做出50%的题目。对于剩下的题目,通过关键词联想其可能所在的段落,缩小排查范围,然后到目标段落里仔细寻找答案。


下面我们用《剑桥雅思考试全真试题集8》Test 1 阅读部分的Passage 1作为例题,来讲解具体的解题方法。

文章标题:A chronicle of timekeeping


题目:READING PASSAGE 1 has eight paragraphs, A-H.

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.

1 a description of an early timekeeping invention affected by cold temperatures

2 an explanation of the importance of geography in the development of the calendar in farming communities

3 a description of the origins of the pendulum clock

4 details of the simultaneous efforts of different societies to calculate time using uniform hours


1. 首先阅读题目,确保没有出现“每个段落可重复选择”的提示。

2. 画出题目中的关键词。大家可以注意到题目基本为同一种格式“the/a + 抽象名词+ of + 短句”,题目中的抽象名词同学们是可以忽略的,即一般不作为关键词,重点在“of”后面的内容。第一道题的关键词为“early timekeeping”和“cold temperatures”;第二道题的关键词为“geography”和“farming communities”;第二道题的关键词为“origins”和“pendulum clock”;第四道题的关键词为“different societies”和“using uniform hours”。



通常在解答雅思阅读中段落标题配对这种题型时,很多考生习惯于机械地通过阅读各个段落的首句,第二句或者最后一句来寻找各个段落的主题句( topic sentence),即该段中归纳概括段落大意或中心思想的句子。




例: The Dutch are not the only would-be moles. Growing numbers of Europeans are burrowing below ground to create houses, offices, discos and shopping malls…; in winter months in Montreal, Canada, for instance, citizens can escape the cold in an underground complex compete with shops and even health clinics. In Tokyo builders are planning a massive underground city to be begun in the next decade, and underground shopping malls are already common in Japan…

分析:很明显,此段没有所谓的主题句,而是以Europe, Canada 以及Tokyo为例.在快速看完举例部分后,我们不难总结出,举例的目的是要说明世界各地正着手开发包括地下城市,地下诊所,地下舞厅和地下购物中心在内的多样化地下服务设施。而这一观点正好跟选项Developing underground services around the world 相吻合。


策略:继续读主题句后面部分的内容,即扩展句(supporting sentences, 对主题句起支持或进一步解释说明的句子)部分,正确选项往往就是对扩展句具体涉及内容的概括。

例: There are big advantages, too, when it comes to private homes. A development of 194 houses which would take up 14 hectares of land above ground would occupy 2.7 hectares below it, while the number of roads would be halved… An underground dweller himself, Carpenter has never paid a heating bill …

分析:不难看出,划线的句子作为本段的首句,具有概括性,实为主题句。如果正确选项是依据此句来归纳的话,那理应包含advantages 或是同样表示优势、优点、长处的其它词。可事实是,所给选项中没有一项涉及此类词。单纯找主题句看来对于这个段落已不适用。继续往后读,我们发现,后面部分其实是对地下住宅所具备的优点的进一步举例解释。列举数字无非是要说明地下住宅节省土地和空间;而以Carpenter这个地下住宅居住者为例,就是要说明这种住宅既省钱又节能。由此,答案锁定为Demands on space and energy are reduced.



例: Building big commercial buildings underground can be a way to avoid distinguishing or threatening a beautiful or ‘environmentally sensitive’ landscape. Indeed many of the buildings which consume most land - such as cinemas, supermarkets, theatres, warehouses or libraries - have no need to be on the surface since they do not need windows.

分析:此段总共包含两个句子,但各句表明不同的观点。前者认为修建大型地下建筑可以避免破坏城市风景,而后者则强调很多建筑因为不需要窗户可以被建在地下。 Indeed(确实,甚至)的出现,正好表明本段的重心是要突出强调后者观点,即有些建筑不需要窗户(自然采光)。所以毫无疑问地选择 Some buildings do not require natural light。



例: Working Germans are particularly vulnerable, with a 33 percent higher risk at the beginning of the working week. Non-workers, by comparison, appear to be no more at risk on a Monday than any other day.

分析:此段两句以by comparison 衔接,同时也体现了前后两者的比较关系。以working Germans 作为参照物,本段真正的目的在于表明后者,即那些失业人员在星期一患心脏病的机率并不比其它任何一天高。所以正确答案为Jobless but safer。


策略:忽略让步状语从句内容,重点关注转折部分,即but 或however等表示转折关系的连接词后面的内容。

例: The risk of having a heart attack on any given day should be one in seven, but a six-year study coordinated by researchers at the Free University of Berlin of more tan 2,600 Germans revealed that the average person had a 20 percent higher chance of having a heart attack on a Monday than on any other day.

分析:but的出现引导我们关注其后面所要表明的内容。又因为段落标题配对是对段落大意的概括,所以在理解转折部分的内容时,我们只需要把握住句子的主干就可以了。由此,根据主干a study revealed that the average person had a 20 percent higher chance of having a heart attack on a Monday than on any other day 研究显示普通人在星期一患心脏病的比率比其它任何一天高出百分之二十, 我们选择选项 High-risk Monday。


策略: 寻找含有高频词汇的选项

例: … If we are to believe the forecasts, it is predicted that two-thirds of the world population will be without fresh water by 2025…While some areas are devastated by flooding, scarcity of water in many other places is causing conflicts. The state of Texas in the United States of America is suffering a shortage of water … there is now talk of water being the new oil.

分析:本段各句中都涉及水资源的短缺,相关词汇分别为:without fresh water, scarcity of water, a shortage of water 以及 water being the new oil。根据词义对应选项,得出正解为 shortage of water。





As a child grows up,he learns how to behave in ways that is appropriate tothe society into which he is born. That is to say,he acquires the patterns ofbehavior that are accepted as normal in his society. This process of sociallearning is generally referred to as socialization. By socialization,then,wemean the process whereby individuals learn the rules,values and practices of thesociety in which they live.

上面这段话中的第一句就是对整体段落大意的一个介绍;从第二句话中的“That is tosay”可以看出来,第二句话是对第一句话的解释;第三句话中的“Thisprocess”也是代指的前一句话中的学习,成熟过程。而最后一句话也是对社会化的一个解释,所以也可以确定第一句话就是段落的主题句。






What then makes people left-handed if it is not simply genetic?Otherfactors must be at work and researchers have turned to the brain for clues. Inthe 1860s the French surgeon and anthropologist,Dr Paul Broca,made theremarkable finding that patients who had lost their powers of speech as a resultof a stroke (a blood clot(凝结) in the brain) had paralysis(麻痹) of the right halfof their body. He noted that since the left hemisphere of the brain controls theright half of the body,and vice versa(反之亦然),the brain damage must have been inthe brain's left hemisphere,Psychologists now believe that among right handedpeople,probably 95 percent have their language centre in the lefthemisphere,while 5 percent have right-sided language.



这种现象常出现在归纳型的文章里。所谓归纳型,则是先陈述现象,最后总结规律。因此这类的文章通常会出现一些总结性的词:Therefore/ Hence/Thus/ So/ Consequently/ Accordingly/ As a result/ As aconsequence;或者会出现一些研究报告类的词组The research findings/ the study/ the investigation/the analysis/ the evidences show/ reveal/ imply/ indicate/ suggest/ demonstrate/ prove that…;甚至有的会直接出现总结型主题句:In short/ In general/ All in all/ To sum up/ Insummary/ On the whole…我们一起分析下面这个例句:

The only species which demonstrated(证明,证实) near normal productivity(生产力)was Cassin's Auklet(卡森的海雀),in which the value for 1998 exceeded the long-termmean by 16 percent. However, given that very few Cassin's Auklets attempted tobreed(生产,繁衍),island-wide offspring(后代) production was extremely low. Inshort,these observations were quite similar,with slight variations,toobservations made on the Farallon(法拉龙) seabird community in other severe E1 Ninoyears.




段落标题匹配题又被叫做List of headings,在雅思阅读中永远位于文章之前,题目顺序与原文的行文顺序是不一致的。环球教育(原环球雅思)建议考生在处理此类题型时可以采用以下的步骤来帮助解题。


第二步, 划掉示例中的选项。因为例子中的选项不可能再被重复使用。

第三步, 阅读所有选项,标出关键词。这一步非常重要,可以提高阅读时的敏感度。在划关键词的过程中同时要注意甄别干扰选项,其中我们遇到两种常见的干扰选项有:

a. 与主题大相径庭


例 出处:剑 3 Test 2 Passage 2

相似选项 : ii. The environmental impact of modern farming

iii. farming and soil erosion

vii. farming and food output

在这三个选项中同时出现了farming,所以学生在划关键词时要特意注意每个选项剩下来的部分,比如ii选项强调的是environmental impact,iii是soil erosion,vii是food output。



绝大多数的英语文章均采用演绎法 (deductive method) 来写,这个时候,判断的标准就是看第二句话是否是支持细节。支持细节经常会有以下特征:

a)有举例信号词:For example, for instance, sometimes, often 等。


c) 首句有there be 句型。

d)当段落首句出现由下列动词引导的宾语从句时 Show, suggest , believe, find, reveal, indicate

例 The role of governments in environmental management is difficult but inescapable. Sometimes, the state tries to manage the resources it owns, and does so badly. …. (剑 3, Test 2, Passage 2 )

Answer: Governments and management of the environment


这种情况往往是由于第一句是让步句、过渡句或者是介绍句导致的。让步句的常见信号词有:although/though, while, in spite of/ despite 等(重心在后半句);过渡句常见的信号词有: not only…but also… (重心在后半句)。

例An intellectual breakthrough, brilliant though it may be, does not automatically ensure that the transition is made from theory to practice. Despite the fact that rockets had been used sporadically for several hundred years, they remained a relatively minor artefact of civilizations until the twentieth century. … (剑 3, Test 1, Passage 1 )

Answer: undeveloped for centuries

考生需注意因为第二句出现了让步信号词:Despite the fact ,所以我们的中心句落到了第二点。答案的undeveloped正是同义替换了remained a relatively minor artefact of civilizations这个部分。


这种情况通常是由于作者之前陈述的观点是不正确的,因此作者推翻之前的结论,而新的结论就在转折词之后。这类转折词有 however, but 和 instead 等。

例 In the UK, travel times to work had been stable for at least six centuries… However, public infrastructure did not keep pace with urban sprawl, causing massive congestion problems which now make commuting times far higher. (剑 6 , Test 2, Passage 1 )

Answer: Increases in travelling time

考生需注意虽然段首句说的是时间稳定,但是在转折信号词:however之后,时间变成了far higher,所以答案同义替换成incereases in time。

d. 中心句在分散在段落中( A+B )

有些段落的段落大意仅根据一句话并不能判断出来,需要抓住文章中的两句甚至几句中心句。这种段落往往会有并列结构,如 also, in addition, furthermore 等。

例Agriculture consumes about 70% of the world’s fresh water, so improvements in irrigation can make the greatest impact. … After agriculture, industry is the second biggest user of water… (剑 6, G 类 Test A, Section 3 )

Answer: The thirsty sectors

考生需注意段首句只提到了农业用水最多,但是在并列连接词:after agriculture过渡以后,这句话提到了工业用水第二多,所以答案:thirsty指代的是两句话用水多的情况,sector是指农业和工业。


这种情况在雅思阅读中并不多见,因为西方人写文章时较少使用归纳法 (inductive method) 。如果一个段落开头就开始举例,中间也没有任何表达作者主旨的内容, 那么就要考虑末句了。

例 From this point of view, scientific method may more usefully be thought of as a way of writing up research rather than a way of carrying it out.(剑 3, Test 1, passage 3 )

Answer: How research is done and how it is reported

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